The project below was carried out in collaboration with partners of Internova.
Lucardi is the largest jewellery chain in the Netherlands. Hip, trendy and affordable are the key words. Lucardi differs from the traditional jeweller in a number of points.
The open shop front is very inviting and the jewellery and watches are neatly presented in glass displays.

The importance of good lighting
Nirgendwo ist eine perfekte Farbwiedergabe so wichtig wie im Einzelhandel. Eine gute Farbdarstellung lässt die Produkte besser zur Geltung kommen und spielt direkt auf die Stimmung des Kunden an. Das gilt auch für Schmuck. Das Erscheinungsbild von Lucardi hatte im Laufe der Jahre nicht mehr zur Marke gepasst und bedurfte einer Überarbeitung. Lucardi beauftragte Internova damit, die Beleuchtung in den Vitrinen und die allgemeine Ladenbeleuchtung neu zu gestalten, so dass die Produkte optimal zur Geltung kommen.
Nowhere is the perfect colour reproduction more important than within the retail industry. A good display of colours makes products stand out better and responds directly to the feeling of the customer. Simular for jewellery. Lucardi's appearance had lost the match with the brand over the years and was in need of an upgrade. Lucardi called in Internova to give the lighting in the showcases and general shop lighting a fresh look.
Testing light colours
The branch in The Hague was used as a test location for the new lighting. Two cabinets were fitted with several spotlights with different light colours. Branch employees were involved in testing the colours and light intensities to determine which combination enhances the best presentation of the products. Thanks to 3D designs, a custom-made lighting solution hees been realised for every store.

Within 3 years, Internova has provided 85% of the Lucardi stores with appropriate display- and general lighting. For the showcases, the LED Downlight Etna was chosen and for the general lighting the Powergear tracksystem with Interno tracklights. Curious about these products? Check them out below.