Digital catalogue
Curious about the possibilities? Check or download our catalogue for free. Get inspired by our wide collection (Made in Holland) luminaires, the newest LED features, innovative track systems and all the technical specifications. A multi purpose collection for various branches. When you submit your details you can download the catalogue as a .pdf file. You’ll also receive the catalogue by email.
Physical catalogue
Would you rather receive our catalogue by post? Then please submit your address here. Soon our catalogue with our wide collection (Made in Holland) luminaires, the newest LED features, innovative track systems and all technical specifications will be on your doormat. After receiving your address your catalogue will be sent the next working day.
No light without a plan
Light creates atmosphere, branding, conversion and routing. Good lighting does not consist of a simple combination of spots and tracks. For the right lighting, a well-thought-out lighting plan is essential. Internova designs and realizes customized lighting plans in cooperation with various partners.
Send us a message
As an expert in functional lighting we are happy to share our knowledge. Not just about fixtures and technical specifications, but also about light design, industry related solutions or the newest developments and trends. Want to know more about our lighting or need some good advice? Please feel free to contact us.